Undoubtedly, you have heard of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). But what does it actually mean? We gladly explain it all to you.
Mobility-as-a-service stands for the shift of personal means of transportation to mobility offered as a service. This is enabled by combining transport services of public and private transport suppliers by means of a uniform gate that makes and manages the move. Users can use one account to pay for the transportation. They can choose to pay a monthly refund or to pay per travel. The concept behind MaaS is to offer mobility solutions to travelers on the basis of their travel needs. For example, we see how specialized municipal mobility applications (such as Transit or Uber) expand their offer to make MaaS possible.
Carpooling or sharing bikes
Nowadays, we see a lot of new and innovative suppliers of mobility services appear that support the philosophy of MaaS. Think for instance of carpooling, of sharing bikes, scooters and cars and even of ‘pop-up’ bus services. Besides this, the MaaS trend is supported by the arrival of driverless cars. These driverless cars question the economic advantage of owning a car. Perhaps on-demand car services might be more interesting from an economic point of view.
Shift towards MaaS
The shift towards MaaS is further made possible by improvements in the integration of various means of transportation during the trip in which bookings and payments are managed collectively for the different parts of the trip. Data are collected and used during the different ways of transportation, travelling and payments. These data are used to make the travelling of people more efficient.
Advantages of MaaS
MaaS has a lot of advantages. The costs for the user will lessen, traffic jams will decrease and the emission will diminish as more people start making use of public transportation or the electronical, autonomous vehicles in the MaaS network.
With our ICASA Energy Suite we anticipate on this fundamental shift and made the transition from Saas (Software as a Service) over FaaS (Forecourt as a Service) to MaaS in which we will function as thé mobility supplier for the end user.
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