
ICASA continues to support the non-profit organization Aketi

MARCH 24, 2025
Non-profit organization Aketi
With the international growth of ICASA, we find it important to contribute to the international community as well as to local initiatives. In recent years, ICASA has supported the non-profit organisation Aketi. And we will continue to do so.
Non-profit organization Aketi focuses entirely on humanitarian and social projects related to the fundamental necessities, health of the population, and education and training in Aketi, a community of 135,000 inhabitants in northern Congo 450 km north of Kisangani.

‘We are very happy and grateful for ICASA’s support which helps us to further realize our projects and to support the inhabitants of Aketi’, explains Rina Peeters – one of the founders of the organization. ‘At Aketi responsibility is key. With the help from two professors from the University of Kisangani, we establish to train and guide young individuals. In order to avoid famine and to improve food supply, we teach individuals how to farm and fish effectively without draining their resources.’

Non-profit organization Aketi

Drinkable water is one of the priorities

Non-profit organization Aketi
‘Thanks to the donations and financial support we were able to install 24 solar panels with batteries on the roof of the hospital so that they have light in the evening and can be operational’, Rina Peeters continues. ‘In addition, the organization supports doctors and the nursing staff with medical equipment and medicines. We transported hospital equipment from hospitals in Belgium to Aketi and in 2024 we have reorganized the pharmacy.
Drinkable water is another of our priorities. We have drilled 6 new wells and repaired the defective ones, so that the population can use 10 wells. In each of the 6 districts of Aketi there is now drinkable water and an additional well for the hospital.’

Non-profit organization Aketi

Focus on better education

At the request of the local population, the non-profit organization has built schools and classrooms enabling the younger children to go to school and giving them the education every child should be entitled to. In 2024 a first major project was the construction of two schools. When we built two classrooms for a primary school in the village of Makoko three years ago, we promised to build more classes as soon as the funds were available’, Rina Peeters explains. ‘In 2024, we started building two more classes so that the primary school in the village of Makoko has a total of 4 classes. Most children don’t have to cross the Itimbiri River anymore by canoe every day to go to school in Aketi. The teachers are paid by the community and they maintain the school and the toilets excellently. The building of the two classrooms that we built three years ago still looks perfect.’

Sustainable primary school

‘Dulia is a village on the other side of Aketi where an existing primary school was housed under a leaf roof supported by bamboo poles. In Dulia we had drilled a water well 7 years ago that is perfectly maintained by the villagers. They’ve asked us for support to build a sustainable primary school so that the hundreds of children can receive a better education. In 2024 we started building three classrooms, in the same good quality as the other schools we have already built, with sanitary facilities and a small office for the director. Both schools were completed in early 2025.’

Non-profit organization Aketi
Non-profit organization Aketi

Academics for Development launched e-learning

In 2024 they also launched a project together with the students of AFD (Academics For Development) in Louvain (Belgium). In 7 of the 23 schools in Aketi they started with e-learning. Because e-learning has brought about a clear improvement in quality, the organization has purchased a projector and made laptops available to stimulate e-learning among the population. In the coming year, the organization will keep focusing on education and further expanding and supporting the schools.


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