
ESG reporting becomes increasingly important

february 6, 2024

Whether it’s called CSR (corporate social responsibility) or ESG (environmental, social and governance), reporting on corporate commitments in these areas has become increasingly important the past few years. The major oil companies have faced growing pressures on their ESG commitments. Every company, big or small, has an impact on and a responsibility to our society. 

CSR or ESG shows how a company’s efforts align with the public’s perception of being a good corporate citizen and trying to do the right thing. And not only for the shareholders.
Businesses are incredibly influential in shaping the quality of life today, and in the upcoming decades. If we all set goals and make progress, we can be in a place where we’ve accomplished more than just budgets and bonuses, but healthier people and a healthier planet.

While ESG reporting is currently voluntary, the SEC (US Security and Exchange Commission) is working to codify that publicly traded organizations are obliged to report and attest (via third-party audits) their ESG efforts. There are tools available for the fuel and transportation industry, and an ESG Integrity Program has been established. The program includes an online application that captures data and generates ESG reports. It guides fuel retailers of all sizes on what information to include to show their commitment to behave in an ethical manner while improving the quality of life of their workforce and families along with local communities.

As a company, ICASA underlines and values the importance of corporate social responsibility. We find it important to contribute to the international community as well as to local initiatives. We have chosen to partner up with the non-profit organization Aketi who focuses entirely on humanitarian and social projects related to the fundamental necessities, health of the population, and education and training in Aketi (Congo). As Aketi’s vision is in line with our philosophy and long-term vision, we gladly join forces and knowledge to support these fundamental projects.

And from a technical point of view, we support our customers in achieving the same goals.

Pic: Pixabay
Source: NACS Magazine / NACS September issue

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